Vyasanagar Public School

News | 2023-04-22

Summar Heat Safety Guidelines

Dear Students,
As the temperatures rise, it's essential to take precautions to stay safe from the summer heat. Here are some guidelines to help you protect yourselves:

  1. Hydration: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Carry a water bottle with you and refill it regularly.
  2. Dress Code: Wear light-colored, loose-fitting clothes made of breathable fabrics like cotton to stay cool.
  3. Sun Protection: Apply sunscreen with a high SPF before going outdoors. Wear sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat to shield yourself from the sun.
  4. Timing:Try to avoid outdoor activities during the hottest part of the day, typically between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
  5. Shade: Seek shade whenever possible, especially during breaks or outdoor events.
  6. Rest: Take frequent breaks in shaded or air-conditioned areas to cool down and rest.
  7. Physical Activity: Limit strenuous physical activities in hot weather. If exercising outdoors, do so during cooler times of the day and listen to your body's signals.
  8. Signs of Heat-related Illness: Learn the signs of heat exhaustion and heatstroke, such as excessive sweating, dizziness, nausea, and rapid heartbeat. If you or someone else experiences these symptoms, seek immediate medical help.
  9. Buddy System: Look out for your classmates and friends. If you notice someone showing signs of heat-related illness, help them get to a cooler place and seek assistance.
  10. Stay Informed: Pay attention to weather forecasts and heat advisories issued by local authorities.

Remember, staying safe in the summer heat is everyone's responsibility. Let's take care of ourselves and each other.
Stay cool and hydrated!
Principal & staff
[ VPS ]

News | 2023-04-22


Dear parents,
As per the declaration made by the government the school will be opened tomorrow dt.22/04/24 .The classes will be continued from 06:30 a.m to 10:30a.m daily till dt.24/04/24.The summerVacation will be resumed from dt.25/04/24 to dt.16/06/24.The school will reopen on dt.17/06/24 Monday.

News | 2023-04-22


Dear parents,
The PTM for std.IX&X will be held on dt.24/04/24 Wednesday as per the following schedule. Std.X-08:30 a.m to 09:00 p.m. Std.IX-09:10 a.m to 09:40 a.m. Agenda-Academic activities during Summer days. Subject wise enrichment of students.

News | 2023-03-22


Dear parents,
Thank you to those who have already downloaded the Vyasanagar Public School app - your support is appreciated!
For those who haven't downloaded it yet, please message me on WhatsApp to receive your child's ID and password.
By the 20th, all parents are required to download the school app. After this date, homework, classwork, online classes, school notices, and e-admit cards will be available exclusively through the app.
Please ensure you download it to stay updated with your child's school activities.
Thank you,
Class teacher

News | 2024-05-11

Schedule for summer camp

Schedule for summer camp

Date:- 12th to 18th May [TIMING-6:30am to 9:00am]

[1st day] :- 12th May

Dress code:- [Yellow colour]

Thing to carry:- [Bag pack with snacks of your choice and water bottle]

Activities:- [Dance / Aerobics]  [Bollywood / Sambalpuri]

  • Science project :- [Learning by doing]
  • Followed by snacks & juice

[2nd day] :- 13th May

Dress code:- [White colour]

Thing to carry :- [Bag pack with snacks of your choice and water bottle]

Activities:- [Yoga Theatre [3D cartoon show]

  • Followed by snacks & juice

[3rd day] :- 14th May

Dress code:- [Red colour]

Things to carry:- [Bag pack with snacks of yours choice and water bottle]

Activities:-  [Pool party @ Brahmani Hotel]

  • Followed by snacks & juice

[4th day] :- 15th May

Dress code:- [Blue colour]

Things to carry:- [Bag pack with snacks of yours choice and water bottle]

Activities:- [Outing to park]

  • [Unlimited musti with different games]
  • Followed by snacks & juice

[5th day] :- 16th May

Dress code:- [Green colour]

Things to carry:- [Bag pack with snacks of yours choice and water bottle]

Activities:- [Aerobic / Art / Craft learning]

  • Followed by snacks & juice

[6th day]:- 17th May

Dress code:- [Yellow colour]

Things to carry:- [Bag pack with snacks of yours choice and water bottle]

Activities:- [Outing to children park]

  • Followed by snacks & juice

[7th day] :- 18th May

Dress code:- [Any colour of your choice]

Things to carry:- [Bag pack with snacks of yours choice and water bottle]

Activities:- [All surprise items]

  • Followed by snacks & juice
  • Group photos
  • Return gift
  • Closing ceremony